Friday, February 19, 2016

NPA / Stress : Disease but Not the End

Bankers/ Lenders behave differently and rather rudely once the account becomes NPA  it seems they simply want to use all the tools laid down in the rule book. They would Fire, insult and pressurize the borrower to repay loan. They are not wrong but the use of all these tactics is not appreciable. Probably lenders believe that business is without risk and full of certainty. In their view, the business can not go wrong and if goes, it is because of malafide intentions of the borrower. Hence in the process of using all the tools available with them, they forget that the business was properly analysed by themselves only and any drastic action will hurt the poor people most.  They use every tactic of recovery at any cost.

Lenders who  till recently were boasting their lending capabilities by referring the successful borrower, suddenly start distancing themselves from the borrower as if he is swine flu patient. Top to bottom banking officials , politicians , investigative agencies and so on try to reprimand him . They behave as if they don't know him, nobody wants to tell the world that the same borrower was their most sought after golden goose well kept secret . Till recently they were boosting of knowing this high profile borrower and now ???!!! What happened , what went wrong, don't you know business is full of uncertainty . Bankers only appraised the proposal, recommended at various level and sanctioned . If everything is transparent , no need to hide the fact. Help him, take care of him and try to make him stand again. No doubt if the  intentions of the borrower are wrong, fund is diverted, he deserves to be punished . Lenders have no right to sit on securities and take the life of hundreds of people for granted . There should make every effort to revive the unit so the life of thousands of poor people  can be saved. There should not be one sided blame on the borrower only , if we share the earning in good time why not take responsibility in tough time . CIBIL reports should be used for better judgment , it should not be an obstacle. I firmly believe if the lenders behave in matured way and help the NPA borrower, they can recover substantial money which is infact public money.  

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